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Video: Social movement dialogue and knowledge exchange visit, Nepal January 2018
This video, made by the Nomadesc team in Colombia, gives a fantastic overview of the Nepal trip in 2018 which got the project underway. An overview the project’s ethos and background is provided, and leaders of all of the...
Seminar recording: ‘Social Movement Learning & Knowledge Production in the Struggle for Peace with Social Justice: a case study from Colombia’
Patrick Kane, University of Sussex Education in Conflict and Emergencies Seminar series; UCL Institute of Education How do social movements learn through their struggles for social change? What type of knowledge do they...

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The importance of dialectics
By Tejendra Pherali *This article was first published in the Kathmandupost Karl Marx and Fredrick Engels made an influential contribution through their idea of dialectical materialism which the Soviets championed until the collapse of their state in 1989....
Social movements from 9 countries write to Colombian president in support of Minga protests
Photo: ACIN Mujer. Since early March, indigenous communities and social movements in Cauca in southern Colombia have been blocking the Pan-American highway. Their demands are centred upon concerns about ongoing violence against social movements; the rights of...
Turkey movement dialogue and knowledge exchange trip July 2018
During the Turkey trip, the group spent time with leaders and grassroots activists of the HDK (People's Democratic Congress) and the HDP (People's Democratic Party); travelled to Ankara to attend the court hearing of the detained HDK co-spokesperson Onur Hamzaolgu;...
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